Momma Hunt
What do you have to figure yourself for:

I know this might sound harsh but I need to forgive myself for getting fat again. Several years ago about a year and half before I got married I lost a ton of weight (about 70 Pounds to be exact) and then after my wedding spent the next two and half years slowly gaining about 45 of that back. Then I got pregnant and went on a nine month bender. After that I was the heaviest I had been in my whole life and it took me two years to loose that weight but I was still almost 50 pounds heavier, then came baby number two. That puts me to somewhere in the 80 plus pounds to loose mark. I have to forgive myself because everyday I wake up, look in the mirror and get upset at what I allowed to happen to my body. I think that the sooner I forgive myself the quicker I will be able to feel good in my own skin again.
1 Response
  1. Sarah Says:

    I hear you. I need to lose probably 50 pounds, and I can point at so many bad choices I made that got me where I am. Sigh.

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