I have always loved Kirstie Alley and thought that she was one funny and sassy bitch. About a year ago while following her on twitter I saw that she was writing a book. Once it was up on Amazon I purchased the book on pre-order. Although my hubby read me a review of it and it was a horrible review but I said you know what I love her I am going to read it anyways (plus I bought it so might as well read it). Well lets be honest it wasn't a prize winning book here, but it sure as hell was funny. It was a look into her life and all the men that have played a role in her life. I really had a lot of laugh out loud moments while reading. Just like she is on twitter and probably in real life, she is candid and straight forward and very funny. Yet, oddly my favorite aspect of the book is when she talks about her religion. To be fair I know nothing about scientology other than what I have seen on South Park and read in tabloids. I liked how she explained her relgion and gave an inside look into some of her fundamental beliefs. Although I know this is only one very small look into the relgion it was fascinating look into the relgion. I would say anyone who likes Alley should pick up this book, it is a quick and enjoyable read. Yet, because I know it wasn't the best written book ever for the general reader I will give it 3 out of 5 stars.
A few months ago I was sent samples of Adore Calcium supplements. I have been thinking that for awhile I really need figure out how to get more calcium in my diet. Since I am lactose intolerant I don't eat dairy so my calcium intake is limited. Yet, I just couldn't bring myself to buy those gross chewy chocolate supplements and even the gummie ones taste weird. Well welcome to my world Adore. To be fair I was very skeptical that these would taste good. I figured they would be chalky tasting like most chocolate supplements, but these were shockingly good. I mean really really good. To me these chocolate supplements are so good that I bet anyone could eat one and they would never know it was a supplement. In fact I gave some to my mom who is also lactose intolerant to try. She called me the next day and asked where could she buy them because they were so damn good. My only complaint about them and it is wicked minimal is that the milk chocolate has milk in it so if you are lactose intolerant like me you would only be able to enjoy the dark chocolate variety. So listen-I am serious how often do you get to eat chocolate and it was good for you and they are about 8 bucks a bag and contain 30 chocolates. . A few other pluses before I end this post. These babies are gluten free, no corn syrup, and contain 50% of your daily calcium in take. Go get some right now! Go, they are only just a click away.
I haven't really been posting much and it has a lot to do with that I am enjoying my holiday with my kiddos. For those with young children you all know how much fun little kids are and also how exhausting. As far as weight loss I am still at a standstill. Not any heavier not any thinner which I guess is ok considering it is the holidays. I am looking to get my ass motivated with the new year. I has hoped lat year would be my year to loose a lot of weight again, but instead I got healthy mentally and worked on my relationship with food which in the end is way more important. I am not saying that my eating is spot on all the time but I have found other ways to cope then eating. To be honest though with the whole newtown thing there were days where I wanted to stand in my kitchen and stuff my face till I puked just to not have to think about it anymore. Did I overeat yes. To the point of getting sick no....
My plan right now is to enjoy what is left of my vacation, enjoy my kids, enjoy some time to regroup. I hope all my readers are enjoying their time with their families and this holiday season
I was hoping to sit down this weekend to blog about my recent weight loss ventures and catch up on product reviews instead I am a left trying to process what has happened. I am a mother and teacher from CT. I have friends who work in Newtown public schools. I have a kindergartener who I send to school every day. I have a classroom of students who I know I would give my life for in a heart beat. For all those reasons there are truly no words for what I feel right now. My two worst nightmares have come to life (a tragedy at my school and loosing my babies) just for someone else. That doesn't make it any less scary that is not real for me-it is real. There is no more telling myself it couldn't happen in CT, there is no more denial that although tragedy might strike my HS or my husbands but never my kids school. No one could possibly hurt little babies, but they did. There is no more hiding and no more denying that this sort of thing couldn't happen because it did. My heart is broken
There are no words for a day like today-None