Sorry for the delay in posts, I have been so sick, two trips to the doctor later and the only thing I can take is an inhaler (another plus of pregnancy, no good drugs) on the Wednesday Dylan said the most hysterical thing.
We were getting ready for daycare and talking about the big party that they were going to have and the grab bag gifts that they would be doing. Dylan looks up and says "Momma is it my birthday" to which I figured this is a true opportunity to discuss the true meaning of Christmas. I reply "No Dylan, at Christmas we celebrate baby jesus's birthday and give each other presents to celebrate" Dylan takes a moment to think about this and then looks up at my and asks "Mommy, will baby Jesus be bringing cupcakes"
Apparently, at daycare when it is your birthday you must bring cupcakes. So for the next 15 minutes I try to explain christmas, that the baby Jesus will not be at the party, and why. So I think that we are all set and then in the care he tell me that at snack time Baby Jesus will be sitting on the floor in the circle with juice and cupcakes.
Oh well, I tried. Next year I am just going to stick with Santa!
Love an First Flight by Marie Force
Mass Market Paperback: 416 pages
Publisher: Sourcebooks Casablanca (June 2, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1402220065
I was lucky enough to win this fun little romance novel from another book blogger a few months ago and have just gotten around to reading it. I can honestly say that I was expecting the classic trashy romance novel heavy on the cheesy romance and love making, and light on the store line. I was pleasantly surprised by this novel. The plot centers around two young people who are both currently in very serious relationships, they meet on airplane going to meet their signifigant others. Through several twists of fate, they end up testing out if a relationship between the two of them would work out. Along the way there is a murder trial, attempted murder of witnesses, as well as of course all the cheesy romance and love making. This was a fantastic quick read and again one of the better romance novels I have read of late.
If you are interested in entering a giveaway for my copy of this book please post below your email address. You will get entered twice if you are a follower of my blog. Good Luck
So today I am going to get up on my soapbox a bit. I teach high school in a upper middle class suburb in Connecticut. Yet somehow my school is experiencing a baby boom, and I don't mean with the staff. Perhaps I am more senstive because I am pregnant myself and do not want to share preggo war stories with my students. Right now there are at least seven girls who are pregnant or who have given birth in the last month. One of my current student's who I have had for two years now and is a senior has a son the same age as my son. So anyone trying to do the math this girl was 15 when she had her baby. Several of the girls who are pregnant are not even 16 years old. HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN. We live in a town that has health education programs, that has sex ed, yet clearly not enough. As a parent you know how much work goes into being a parent. There are some days that I still find being a mom overwhelming, and I have a husband, we both have decent jobs, and own our home. How can a 15 year old child be parent?
Sadly I know the answer to that question, they can't!!! Yet these girls never consider abortion (not that it is for everyone) and they don't consider adoption. How does it happen?
Where did we go wrong as a society that teenage girls think having a baby is "cool"? Where did we go wrong that we stopped empowering our young women to realize that they have enough value to say no (to sex or at least unprotected sex). I really think that if our girls, not just in my school but everywhere, were made to feel good about who they were they wouldn't need to seek out love from someone who doesn't respect them or thier body or from a baby.
What are your thoughts on this? What woudl prevent teen pregnancy in this situation? Or is this just the inevitable cycle?
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My Crazy, yet somehow perfect life!!!!
What Dylan is thankful for: Water
Enough Said
Have a wonderful holiday everyone!
Anyone care to join me?? If so click on the link and sign right on up. Below is my reading list!!!
Animal Dreams
was sort of expecting its arrival, I knew that no matter what I did, it would come on its own good time. Yet, no one told this soon to be mom of two that it would be arriving so soon. The first time around you plan for its arrival for months, you shop for it, you buy it cute clothes, you impatiently wait for it to get here so you can show it off. This time around I was thinking I would do the same thing, except for one problem.....It came early, way to early. THE BABY BELLY!!!!!!!!!!
No one informed me that the second time around the belly would be here the second I peed on the friggin stick. Seriously, I needed to start wearing maternity pants this time around at seven weeks (yes you read that correctly, seven weeks). I am currently sporting a baby bump the size of the baby bump I had at seven months last time and I am currently only four months pregnant. What the hell am I going to do when I am nine months pregnant. I am worried that i might start to scare my students (or worse that they might harpoon me when I am not looking)
The first time I was so excited for this bump to arrive, now I can't believe it is here so soon!
This week we had a really tough time at our household. My little monkey got really sick. So sick that I ended up missing two and half days of work. I have been desperate to save my sick time for the upcoming baby (I have to use sick time to get paid while on leave) but he was super super sick and I just couldn't leave him. He was so sick this past Wednesday that his Dr. told us to take him the children's hospital. It may be the flu or may be a super virus, but regardless there was nothing they could do for him. So there I was up till all hours just hold him and rocking him in the chair wishing him to get better. Never have a felt so helpless, I can't imagine what I would do if he was really sick. It was a moment like this that made me realize just how great of a child I have and I couldn't wait to hear his laugh and giggle and see his smile again. Well now several days later my man is on the mend and is back to his old self, and the only person who is worse for wear is mommy and daddy.
The Essential Guide To Breastfeeding
By-Dr. Marianne Neifert
Paperback: 320 pages
Publisher: Sterling (July 7, 2009)
Language: English
I just recently finished reading the Essential guide to Breastfeeding that was sent to be for review. I really thought this was a great informative book for the first time mom or a nice refresher for the second time around mom like myself. My favorite part of this book was the layout which is set up like the always popular "What to Expect Books" with areas of tips, and pop up boxes of information. My favorite sections were on how to problem solve those first critical days of nursing once your baby is born and the section on working mothers. More and more mothers are returning to work and it is nice to include a section on this. My only complaint about the book is how anti-bottle feeding they are. I do realize that for some people introducing a bottle to a nursed baby can spell disaster, but for me my son was nursing and using a bottle and two weeks and I successfully nursed him for a year. Overall this is a great how to guide for any woman who is expecting. I am going to passing this along to one of my expecting friends now that I am done with it!
Bending Towards the Sun by Leslie Gilbert-Lurie
Hardcover: 368 pages
Publisher: Harper; 1 edition (September 1, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0061734764
ISBN-13: 978-0061734762
Bending Towards the Sun is a great three generation biography. I absolutely loved this book. The history geek, oops I meant teacher, in me loved the true life holocaust story. The story starts out by telling the story of the Mother Rita and her time during the Holocaust in Poland. It is a amazing tale of her time spent in hiding and her life being a displaced person after the war. Sort of like the story of what if Anne Frank had lived. The story then goes on to tell the tale of Rita coming to America and the hardships she faced both with her past and present emotional issues. Add to this the sprinkling of her daughter Leslie biography on top. The book ends by discussing the enmeshed life that these two women and their granddaughter/Daughter lives.
What I loved most about this book was the in depth look into what life was life for holocaust survivors after the war. As a history teacher I have often become privy to accounts of what life was like for someone when they were in hiding or in a concentration camp, but not a lot is written about what life was like for this group of people after the war. What I also found fascinating was the look into how someones haunted past can not only affect their lives but also the lives of all the generations to follow.
I would highly recommend this book to any who loves biographies, psychology, or WWII historical writing. This was a great and emotional read. I would give the book a 4/5 the only reason it is not a 5/5 is I realize that not everyone would like the subject matter.
**Giveaway Details
To be entered into the giveaway post your email below. Extra entry for following my blog
Awakening Consciousness: A Boy's Guide and A Girl's Guide
Paperback: 114 pagesPublisher: Marvelous Spirit Press (June 10, 2009)Language: EnglishISBN-10: 1932690913
I was recently sent two books by Loving Healing Press. These books are guide books to help children awaken their consciousness. Now I know that not everyone is into this whole thing, but if you are these are great little books. Each book is geared towards the set genders and contains easy to understand definitions and activities for each topic. For example, each book talks about Chakras and how do you use them. There is also several activities for each gender regarding how to use your Chakras. I loved that each book had activities that were age appropriate and gender specific. I also enjoyed the Native American stories that were included in the boys book and almost wished that were some in the girls books. I know that a lot of people might feel that these books are a bit "crunchy granola" for their tastes. I personally felt that these workbooks would be a great thing for children to use. If nothing else these books focus a lot on positive self image and positive interaction with all people. I would recommend these to anyone who is interested in the topic.
Giveaway details: Please post below to be entered into the drawing for both of these guidebooks. You will be entered twice if you are a follower of my blog. Please indicate if you are a follower in your post. Please leave your email for contact. Giveaway ends on 9/12
So I was so excited to go to the doctor yesterday, I am eight weeks. So while having an exam and discussing how sick I have been feeling we discussed how much weight I should gain this time around. I expressed a hope to keep that weight to a minimum since the first time around I gained over 50 and don't want to do that again, no way no how!!! So when asking her what should be a good goal her reply was "10, maybe 15" to which I asked is that in the first two trimesters. Her reply "No the entire time, no weight gain before 20 weeks if you can help it". So of course I got a bit panicky. She reassured me that if I gained more it would still be ok, but since I was looking to watch the weight gain that should be my goal. How little does she know that a big girl like me can gain ten pounds in a bad week if left to the cake and ho-ho's. Well I am off to eat some carrots and drink some water!!!!!!!
Title: Circle of Souls
Author: Preetham Grandi
Paperback: 352 pages
Publisher: Cedar Fort; 1 edition (June 15, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1599552353
ISBN-13: 978-1599552354
I was lucky enough to get selected to review Dr. Preetham Grandhi's book through a book blogging hook up. I can honestly say that this is one of the best books I have ever read. It was a great psychological thriller with amazingly in depth characters, and a great plot line.
Most of the reason that this story is so good is because it is not about one main character but revolves around several main characters and how their lives intertwine. The book starts out with the murder of a little girl and then the murder investigation. Added into this tale is a famous FBI expert, the local police officer, and a great little girl names Naya who has been having visions about the little girl who was murdered. Add to this a few important doctors and it adds up to one great psychological thriller. I would love to talk more about the amazing story, but it would be giving away part of the tale
What I liked most about this book is that it really delved into the thoughts, emotions , and past doings of several of the characters. So not only is the story line progressing but you are learning more and more about the main characters. The other part of Circle that I loved was that I felt the book was leading me to think the killer was one person and it was totally not and it made the end of the book a huge surprise.
Again, Circle of Souls is one of the best books I have read in a very long time!!
Title: To Rescue a Rogue
Author: Jo Beverely
Paperback: 432 pages
Publisher: Signet; 1 edition (September 5, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0451220110
To Rescue a Rogue was my delve back into the world of Romance. I haven't read a Romance novel since I was about 17 so I was skeptical, but I picked this up while on vacation from there leave a book take a book stash. I was instantly hooked.
In this story line, apparently a continuation of a long series of books about a group of men called the Rogues and their interactions with their various spouses. This story was about Mara a young lady spending time in London. Here she meets up with her brother's friend Dare (one of the Rogues) and he helps her out of a very sticky situation, the type you can only get into in 1800's London. As the story progresses you discover that Dare has been wounded in Waterloo and is currently battling to overcome an Opium addiction. Intertwined in the this love story is a bit of drama plus the intertwining of the other Rogues from the previous series books.
What I liked most about this book was that it was different from the Romance books I read in the past, this was more about the story versus burning loins. Now don't get me wrong, there is always a time and a place for burning loins, but it was a great story. One of the other aspects that I liked most was that I felt the books was very historically accurate for the time and I loved looking at London through the eyes of 18 year old Mara.
I enjoyed this book so much that I am going to go back and read a few more in thier series. Using the J. Kaye Rating system I going to rate this book with the highest rating of
Title: The Zookeeper's Wife
Author: Diane Ackerman
Paperback: 368 pages
Publisher: W.W. Norton & Co. (September 17, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 039333306X
I found this historical novel to be very, very interesting. It was chosen for my book group but I am starting to get nervous that they will not have liked it as much as I did. Being that I am a history teacher I loved the fact that most of this novel was based on research by the author and told like a biography. I think that some people will find this style of book off putting.
The book tells the tail of a Zookeeper and his family who live in Warsaw at the start of WWII. The story tells the tail of this family (primarily the zookeeper's wife) during the Nazi occupation of Warsaw. The book tells the tale of what happened to the Jewish population of Warsaw, life in the Warsaw ghetto, and how the zookeeper's family helped as many people as possible. It was a great look into not only what life was like in Warsaw during the Nazi occupation, but what life was like for a family (particularly a housewife) during this era.
For me what I liked was the historical aspect of the book. I loved the first hand accounts of what life was like in the city during the war and what it was like for the Jews living in Warsaw during the occupation, reassignment to the ghetto, and eventual liquidation of the ghetto. More importantly the aspect that I loved about this book was it showed how average people did above average things to help the Jewish community during WWII. Everyone has heard of people the Schindler who saved thousands, but you never hear about all those who helped three or four people along the way. This book showed how one family made a difference for several people and risked their lives in the process. Not only is it a great historical piece, it also a great psychological piece in that it looks at the human condition and the desire to help others versus our desire to protect ourselves.
So today we took the little man to get his hair cut for the first time. Despite much hesitation on the part of all of his grandparents, we figured it was time. Although some people would day that a first hair cut at over two is late, the little man did not get hair until he was like one. We went to a great little place that specializes in kids cuts and he got to ride in car and played with fun toys. He was so cute while getting his hair cut but he was super serious. Almost concerned, he never cried but had this concerned look on his face. I wonder if just like his mom he was wondering if this made him a little man instead of mommy's little baby!! Then when he was getting ready or his nap he looked up from his crib and said "Kisses and hugs momma" so I leaned over and gave him his kisses and hugs and tucked him in while he snuggled his little stuffed hippo and I think we both realized he will always be my little baby, no matter how many haircuts he gets.
Evanovich's 15
th novel about Stephanie Plum is another nice addition to the numbers collection. In this novel the main story line revolves around two killers who are chasing Lula who was a witness to a major chef being murdered. This book of course plays to
Evanovich's strengths which are the interplay between Plum and her two main men
Morelli and Ranger and the mishaps she as in her horrible bounty hunter career. The book ends with the usual cliff hanger of what will happen next and who will Plum end up with
Morelli or Ranger.
Although, just like all her other novels, this was a great quick read. Evanovich always writes these greatly humorous scenes that make you laugh out load. She also writes Plum's character in a way that you always want to be her even when she is in disaster mode. She also writes the male characters in such a way that you really wish there was a way she could end up with both of them. My only complaint about this book and her last few novels is that her pattern is getting repetitive. Although the main story line changes each book has the same general pattern: Stephanie gets involved in something bad, she is torn between Ranger and Morelli, she somehow manages to save the day, the book ends with her going to bed with either Ranger or Morelli but never really choosing one of them. Although I really enjoy the series and would read any more that she puts out, I am thinking maybe the series needs to come to a close.
Here is where I will keep my list of the books that I have read and posted on during the 2009 year. Although I am joining the challenge late, I will do my best to get as much reading in as I can
School Year 09
The Twillight Series
Water for Elephants
The Scent of Sake
Handle with Care-Jodi Picoult
Dancing With Anna-
American Wife-By Curtis Sittenfeld
Paperback: 592 pages
Publisher: Random House Trade Paperbacks (February 10, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0812975405
Part of my 2009-100 + Challenge
When starting to read Curtis Sittenfeld’s novel “American Wife” I quickly scanned the back cover and realized that it was a work of fiction based on a real first lady. So me being the history teacher, I need to immediately know who it was based on. After so quick scanning of the discussion questions, I found out....Laura Bush. BLAHHHHH. I am a very, very liberal person so I went into this book with a bad attitude. Yet I was pleasantly surprised.
I thought that this would be a more biographical piece, where it really was a work of fiction based loosely on a work of fiction. It gave great insight into the now famous incident in Bush’s early years where she was involved with a tragic accident. It also delves into the what it would be like for someone with no political aspirations to become such a high ranking person in American Politics. Although it was a quick and interesting read mostly focus on the main character’s youth and early marriage years, it did seem to go downhill in the last 150 pages. I felt that the book took on an almost whiney/whoa is me attitude at the end that for me took away from the books earlier tone. ALthough I did like this book and would give it a good rating (see below) it is highly political towards the left and I think that most people who were more conservative in their political views would not find this book to their liking and in some cases insulting. Overall, a decent summer read.
Kaylee book review rating ***
So I do believe that a lot of people have those few things in their lives that they could take back or do over so to speak. Mine happened to be the way a friendship of mine ended back in college. I sent this person a letter a long time ago hoping for a response that never came (I can't blame them the letter was a horrible emotional piece of garbage). So I have since found this person on facebook and began the dilemma in my brain about should I email them or not. So I did. Basically saying, I know things ended back between us and I am sorry and I wished it had turned out differently. I logged on today and was pleasantly surprised that the person had emailed back basically saying "The past is the past and water under the bridge" which was so nice to hear. Yet, even though I have what I wanted, closure on some level, it still is a little lack luster. Not that I wanted no response, not that I wanted an F*** off, not that I wanted to be best friends and share a "moment",but I just feel that it should have been more. I have been waiting to put an end to this unresolved thing in my life for so long and yet, not that I have it, it doesn't seem like quite enough. Then again that is me, I am always wanting more then what for everyone else is enough.

As part of my "Summer of doing things for me" and
my 2009-100 plus challenge I have decided to review my readings. As you can see below I am part of the summer reading challenge. The first book that I read was a classic book by Jodi Picoult
My Sister's Keeper. I would have to say that this was one of the best books by Picoult that I have read. I really do enjoy her style of writing, where she writes from multiple character's perspectives, but she did an extraordinary job in this novel. Her character work was outstanding. I particularly enjoyed her character work with the older brother Jessie. She made him such an interesting character and a great addition to the main story line. I think I connected to this because I see everyday how student react to the various situations in their life. I also loved the ending. I of course won't give that away here, but it was a classic twist Picoult ending.
Speaking on the ending of the book... the movie. What happened with the movie. Although the movie did a great choice in choosing actors for the roles, I was really upset by some of the choices that the director/screen writers made. I am fully aware that you can not include every aspect of a book into a movie, but I really feel they did Picoult's book an injustice. They left out some of the greatest character traits of Jesse, who I said before was one of the greatest parts of the book. Also, they changed the ending. I think part of what made this book so amazing was the greatest part, and it was completely different. Although the movie was tied up in a nice neat bow, I think what makes Picoult's books so great is that they aren't nice and neat, they are messy and emotional and great.
I would highly recommend this book to anyone, but I would tell anyone else that they should wait to rent or netflix's this movie.
Having been going on my second week of being sick, I have made the official decision that Mom's don't really get to be sick (dads either to some extent). No matter how gross you feel there are still things that need to be done, hugs to be given, diapers to be changed. A week ago Monday I was so sick that I needed to enlist the help of my mom, because I was too sick to even take care of Dylan. All I kept thinking was how much I wanted someone to take care of me, fawn over me, and get me tea. It didn't happen, and that was a rude awakening. I think for some of us, me especially, realizing that you are not the baby anymore is harder at sometimes then others. For me, it was this time being sick. Now two weeks later I am still under the weather, and I realize that I have to go back to the doctor. Not for me but because it isn't fair to my family that I am still sick. Let's hope today the Doctor gives me some miracle drugs to get me back on track and feeling like me good mommy self soon.
I hope all the mother's out there had a great day. I did, mainly because I celebrated the day for what it was. I got to spend time with my mom and grandma but more importantly the two men who have made me a mother. I think more than any other time it makes me appreciate the great life I do have. I got to read books to my son, feed him ice cream (said ice creeeeaammmm by Dylan), and snuggle him close right before bed. My favorite moment of the whole day was when we changed his diaper before bed (he has a tendency to overflow the diaper if we don't change it mid way through the night) and he asked me to snuggle him. So I scooped him up and laid him down on our bed, to which I got to hear the sweet wisper of a sleepy 23 month old in my ear "love you momma". The best mother's day present ever!
Well maybe ever, the two hour nap I got was pretty good too!
I think that often I am consumed by all that I have to do in a single day/week/month. This past week my grades for my students were due, my class (I am the freshman class advisor) has a fundraiser after break, I had to attend the prom, getting the house into some type of presentable shape, plus Dylan had a nasty cough, again. I often feel that I am being pulled in a million directions. My students call my name or at least call "Hey miss" a hundred times a day then when I get home that is replaced by the cute cry of "mommy". Both are so important and need my attention but there are times where I sit and wonder what happened to that life I used to live where I was me. Not Mrs. Hunt or Mommy, just me. Then on Sunday night as my husband was reading my son his night time stories: Dylan was fresh from his bath, snuggling his stuffed dinosaur sitting on my hubby's lap. In that moment there was no school, no chores to be done, just my family. That is when I realized my life is pretty near perfect, even if it means I have to be Mommy Etc.