Yeah that would be me. I was cranky today. The scale hasn't been cooperating (in the spirit of honesty it probably shouldn't be) and I caught my reflection in the mirror and found out exactly where those 15 (yes fifteen) pounds I have gained since this summer went. It was no pretty-no it wasn't! I was cranky, and sad, and more than anything disappointed in myself. So this level of self hate is something I have been working on for a long time. So immediately texted my friend to talk me down from the ledge and she told me what I needed to hear. Have faith in eating right and keep at it....its not perfection its progress. Have faith in working will pay off. So I kept that in mind and made good food choices even when eating out for dinner. The kid wanted chocolate chips cookies and I didn't make them because I knew I was to weak to say no. Then I chose to get a jump on my two week Mamavation challenge and not only did one of the workouts, I added jogging in place between the activities, and did a few activities from another days workout to boot. I realized I just have to keep at this because the alternative is not an option. Giving up is not an option. So I am not giving up I am just going to put more effort and believe in myself and keep going forward!