So I finally have a few seconds to post a recap about my Holiday.  We have had a lot of sickness in the house plus add to that some emotional stuff going on with my husband and son it was very hard to get into the holiday spirit.  But when the time came who can not help but get into spirit when you have to great kids who love gift and are so stinking cute.  So for your holiday enjoyment.  A photo of my son playing with a science kit in his jammies and my new favorite picture of my baby girl-She looks so grown up here.  Also I have included a picture of my favorite gift-Ugg boots from my parents. I know I am spoiled and 17-All my student's wear them but shit they are comfortable and I might sleep in them if Papa Hunt wouldn't judge me for it!  Hope you all had a great holiday and I am looking forward to the new year!

Mu new boots

Dylan with Papa Hunt-enjoying our science kit

My beautiful Girl

Had to add this one, the puppy standing guard around the tree

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