About two months ago I was reading one of my weight loss blog sites and someone mentioned that another blogger had written a book and was talking it up at fitblog. So I checked it out and it looked like it would be worth a read. Now I will say that this book spoke to me in many ways. It was a great discussion on how for the author loosing weight needed to be not about the number on the scale but more with a more positive relationship with herself. Loving herself as she was. It also discussed the heartbreak of loosing weight and then gaining some of it back. This is something I have been struggling with over the last few years. I lost a bunch of weight then gained it back, partially due to poor habits and partially due to those two amazingly cute kids a had. So this book was an eye opener for me. It made me realize that along with working on my eating issues with a professional maybe I can spend some time on my own looking at some of the various resources that Anderson presented in her book. Now I know that every one's weight loss journey is different and there were some things that she discussed in the book that I would not really be into there were other books and websites that I plan to spend part of my summer reading about. I also liked that this book read like I was reading a bunch of blog posts, which we all know that I love!! I think that this is a great read for anyone who is struggling in their weight loss battle but more importantly this is a must read for anyone who is struggling with self acceptance!
Sounds like a good book and I look forward to checking it out. Thanks for your kind words on my page. Much appreciated.
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